Friday, July 27, 2012

Builder design pattern using php

Software complexity is an interesting thing. The requirements for software are complex as are the functionality of a software package or product. Even the code that makes up the software is complex. The focus of the Design Pattern approach is to provide maintainability, architectural 
strength and reduced complexity. With the host of complex objects making up most software repositories, solutions involving the Builder Design Pattern have their work cut out for them.

Code example

The project contains a class that creates the complex product object. This class contains three methods to completely form it. If each of these methods is not called when creating a new product object, attributes of the class will be missing and the program will halt. These methods are setType(), setColor(), and setSize(). The initial version of this code was designed to create the object followed by the execution of each of these methods.

class Product
    protected $type = '';
    protected $size = '';
    protected $color = '';
    protected $price = '';

    public function setColor($color)
        $this->color = $color;

    public function setSize($size)
        $this->size = $size;

    public function setType($type)
        $this->type = $type;

    public function setPrice($price)
        $this->price = $price;

    function __toString()
        $text = 'Product { ';
        $text .= ":type => " . $this->type;
        $text .= ", :size => " . $this->size;
        $text .= ", :color => " . $this->color;
        $text .= ", :price => " . $this->price;
        $text .= " }";
        return $text;


To create a complete product object, the product configurations need to be passed individually to each of
the methods of the product class:

// our product configuration received from other functionality
$productConfigs = array(‘type’=>’shirt’, ‘size’=>’XL’, ‘color’=>’red’);
$product = new product();

Having to call each one of these methods when an object is created is not best practice. Instead, an object based on the Builder Design Pattern should be used to create this product instance.

The productBuilder class is designed to accept those configuration options that are required to build
the product object. It stores both the configuration parameter and a new product instance on
instantiation. The build() method is responsible for calling each of the methods in the product class to
fully complete the product object. Finally, the getProduct() method returns the completely built
product object.

class ProductBuilder

    protected $product = NULL;
    protected $config = array();

    public function __construct($config){
        $this->product = new Product();
        $this->config = $config;

    public function build() {

    public function getProduct() {
        return $this->product;

Note that this build() method hides the actual method calls from the code requesting the new product. If the product class changes in the future, only the build() method of the productBuilder class needs to change. This code demonstrates the creation of the product object, using the productBuilder class:

$builder = new productBuilder($productConfigs);
$product = $builder->getProduct();

The Builder Design Pattern is meant to eliminate the complex creation of other objects. Using the Builder Design Pattern is not only best practice but it also reduces the chances of having to repeatedly alter pieces of code if an object’s construction and configuration methods change.

1 comment:

  1. best practice yet it likewise lessens the shots of needing to more than once modify bits of code if an item's development and setup.

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